Narrative 4 – Crowdrise Campaign...

March 05, 2014

Narrative 4, a global non-profit launched last year by Sting and several other international artists, has begun a Crowdrise campaign. N4 works to build empathy through the exchange of stories. Already the organisation has worked with thousands of kids from schools in Chicago, Limerick and Newtown Connecticut. They will be expanding soon into Haiti, Israel, South Africa, Mexico and other countries. "What we're trying to do is expand the lungs of the world by having young people step into one another's shoes," says co-founder and author Colum McCann. "We're engaging in that essential democracy of story-telling. Stories are the one thing that cannot be taken away from us. Sting and Trudie have been a tremendous help this past year. It's fantastic to have artists of their calibre onboard. Indeed, we've harnessed a whole lot of good energy from artists all around the world, including JJ Abrams, Ishmael Beah, Salman Rushdie and Gabriel Byrne. And our Crowdrise campaign is designed to continue getting the word out. That word is empathy."


Mar 3, 2014
They are not the most obvious tour mates, a decade separating them in age and an even wider gulf in genre dividing their respective catalogs. None of that was lost on Paul Simon and Sting when they came to TD Garden Monday night. If anything, their differences were a badge of honor, proof that good music and excellent musicians playing it transcend boundaries. "Welcome to our merging of two bands, two different repertoires, and two different singers who sound pretty good, actually," Simon said early in the evening, with an arch of his eyebrow that suggested that even he was a little surprised by their chemistry. If Simon and Sting share anything, it is the fact that they have given pop music some of its most infectious hits, which rang out in thunderous unison at the Garden...
Mar 2, 2014
On his last visit to Toronto, Paul Simon invited an astonished woman on stage from the audience at Sound Academy, where the novice singer-guitarist performed her hero's Duncan with encouragement and help - "E minor," he reportedly whispered to her - from the man himself. This time around, the Simon of Simon and Garfunkel shared a larger stage with an established artist: Sting, the milkman's son whose birth certificate reads "Gordon Sumner" and who rise to fame as the leader of the tricky rock trio The Police. The results were just as charming (albeit more professional), and, at the end, there was little doubt as to the pecking order of the evening. The first song was Brand New Day; the last was Late in the Evening. Everything fit into place, smiles were in long supply and the practised Simon gracefully taught lessons in the art of performance...
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